
An attorney's reflections on life, law, theology, sports, and other random topics. Enjoy!

Friday, July 06, 2007

Great Memories, Part One

It would be very easy for me to continue to complain about my job situation or other personal problems, but instead, I'm going to take an opportunity on this blog to recount some great memories and times I've had. I don't really know what form or structure these will take, or even if they will be ranked in a certain way, though I think I'll try to go chronologically.

When I sat down and thought about it, I tried to think of the first thing I could remember. It's interesting, but when I think of my childhood pictures, much of it I don't actually remember but the pictures do bring back a glimpse of the memory. I grew up in Versailles, KY, a small town in one of the richest counties in the state (due to horse farms and the tobacco crop) outside of Lexington, KY.

We had lived at three different addresses by the time I was five, and at that third address, my first memory that I can remember was my first real bike. It was red and yellow, with a guard over the chain, big pedals, and of course, training wheels while I was learning to ride it. I rode that bike during the summer as much as I was allowed, and I remember when I asked my dad to take the training wheels off and he helped me learn how to balance. Yeah, I fell--a BUNCH (I'm convinced this is when my accident prone nature began to rear its ugly head)! Once I learned how to ride, I rode everywhere! Wind in your face, going down the hill (of course, way too fast but it was fun!), and riding until your legs are too tired to move!

It wasn't the best bike or even the most expensive, but it was my bike. And I thought it was the best thing in the world.

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  • At 6:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Dan, I check your blog at least twice a day and cant wait for part TWO to show soon!!!!!

    I love your posts and want MORE!!!!

    Waiting in Garden city


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