
An attorney's reflections on life, law, theology, sports, and other random topics. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 02, 2008

What Do You Treasure? (Part Two)

And now for the second part of the diagnostic questions (the first post with the first three questions can be found here):

4. What do you talk about? How often does the name “Jesus” come up in your conversation as a relationship to the word “money”? How would your spouse answer that question about you?

The more days that pass and the more I interact with people, the more I realize that one thing stays the same: we are a people of stories. It doesn't matter how much technology that has arrived or come out, we are storytellers. I get home from work and I talk to my wife about my day, and I frame it in a story. When you're with good friends, you start off, "Remember when you..." followed by laughter or some other reaction. For my part, to reiterate a response earlier, money comes up when a bill has to be paid or some future expense is discussed--now as far as how many times Jesus is connected with that conversation, I must confess not often.

But this is only because in analyzing this as I write, I realize that for some reason when discussing money (or often the lack thereof), I often speak of God providing. It is strange, but now that I think about it, I often speak of God as always being faithful in providing everything we need (physically) while I speak of Jesus as to spiritual needs. They are three-in-one, the Trinity, but it is interesting to think that I have compartmentalized in this way.

(as for what my wife would say, I'm not sure! :) )

5. What do you worry about? Are you more worried about the global state of the economy or the global state of Christianity?

As a matter of degree, I suppose that I worry more about the global state of Christianity rather than the global economy, but this is likely more of function in how I let the news affect me (if I read it much at all). Before I came to Reformed theology and really grasped the doctrine of election, things often paralyzed me because of the immense pressure that I had TOTAL control (though this was incorrect) over an outcome. Realizing the immensity and/or consequence of what the election doctrine holds was my "Martin Luther" moment (if you recall his Romans 1:16 realization). It opened up to me how God was really sovereign over everything and how I was NOT God and He very much was.

All that to say: I don't pray enough about the global state of Christianity as I ought, because I, like many Christians in the West, walk through life oblivious to the suffering and martyrs in the world. Even worse, I am oblivious to the suffering that goes on around me and if I'm worried about one thing, it's that I'll get to heaven and I will have to face the missed opportunities that I did not take advantage of to share the Gospel (not that my not doing these things thwarts the will of God in ANY way, but it goes back to the parable of the talents and sharing the grace that I have been given).

On some level, I probably worry about others' approval, if I had to choose something, but as to the second part of the question, as I have indicated, I don't "worry" about the global state of Christianity as I should, but in the ultimate, I know that God has us in His loving hands.

6. What would it take for you to live an “excellent” life? What resource would, if given to you right now, provide the fuel for you to live an outstanding life?

I don't know how to answer this question, because at this particular moment I feel pretty blessed. I have the Word as a great resource, though I don't use and study it as often as I should. No more money or better status would make my life more excellent, though traveling a little less might be better! God has taught me over the past 10 years the value of being content.

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