
An attorney's reflections on life, law, theology, sports, and other random topics. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

One month more!

As in, one month more in this apartment--we are looking forward to closing and moving into our new home in less than a month now. We got word the other day that someone new is moving into our apartment only days after we move out, which means we won't have to keep paying on our lease! What a blessing! The odd thing is that we found out from the cable company! Go figure.

Work is busy as always--the car has had close to 4000 miles put on it in less than a month, and it's showing a little worse for the wear--I'm having my brake pads and rotors replaced Saturday, as some noises are starting to concern me more than a little (not to mention since this is our ONLY transportation, it behooves us to address it).

I figured out the other day that I will have been before 30 different courts by Mid-November, and that's kind of shocking--I never thought that I would be doing this much court work, but life is full of surprises (at least to us, not God). The unfortunate drawback of all this business and the craziness is that my devotions have more than suffered--they are nonexistent. I read my bible every night and really think on the passage, but I do not devote my time to the Word like I ought to. It truly should inform my life and guide it, not simply be a part of my life that I "fit in."

I was recently convicted on how the Word should inform our prayers, and even have a post about it that I might get up sometime this side of glory, but I think I have a few posts like that. Oh well.


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