
An attorney's reflections on life, law, theology, sports, and other random topics. Enjoy!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Weekend Update....

Well, we got a call from the realtor today, and the estimate for our small, townhouse roof was $2000! Yikes. Well, according to the contract, we're really only on the hook for $1440 in repairs, so we would do it but the buyer would have to pay the difference....but guess what, he doesn't want to spend another penny! So, we're going to get him a CHEAP roof, since we certainly don't want to spend more than we have to (plus we have other repairs we have to do). Did I mention I didn't like selling a house?

My first court date is next week, and I'm somewhat looking forward to getting in the swing of doing that.

We'll be looking foward to getting a house soon, as shared walls always seem too thin to block ANYTHING OUT. I mean, if you can clearly hear what your neighbors are watching???

It has been a very untypical July day, with a cool breeze running outside. However, the mess inside the apartment is calling--clutter drives me a little nuts, but with boxes everywhere (full of books, mostly) that aren't going to really be opened, it's hard to manage. It's also hard to remember where you pack things!


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