One Week Down!
Well, we made it to Roanoke okay, have tried to settle in the apartment and gotten to know some of our surroundings (a funny side note: there are SCORES of Japanese Hibachi restaurants here--we've seen 10% of Roanoke, and seen 10 of them!) The move went okay, though we ended up not being able to take our sofa (my wife rejoiced) and we had to buy something to sit on since the "floor" cushions we bought from Target really aren't meant to be sat on for long periods!
I've made it through the first week of work, and it went a lot faster than I thought it would. Between last Sunday and today, we've tried two different churches out, and the one we went to today seems to be a strong favorite at this point. A couple today invited us home to their house for dinner, and we got to chat with them for a little while (free food is always a good thing!).
The unfortunate thing that we have discovered about our apartment is that while I asked the representatives at the complex to make sure that our apartment didn't smell like smoke, I'm afraid that we got one that used to be smoked in anyway. We suspect that while they replaced all the flooring, they didn't clean the ductwork, so it's essentially being pumped in our apartment anyway. Argh.
Work will get busier as the days go on, as I've already been assigned cases, and even a section of the state where I will be going to court (close to 10 court days already).
The townhouse back at the beach still has not sold, and we've done a price reduction to see what that will do--we sure hate having to make double payments, but the Lord has been faithful in His provision, and will continue to do so.
My wife is truly loving the stay at home life, and we look forward to moving into a house sometime soon so that we can truly feel settled.
I've made it through the first week of work, and it went a lot faster than I thought it would. Between last Sunday and today, we've tried two different churches out, and the one we went to today seems to be a strong favorite at this point. A couple today invited us home to their house for dinner, and we got to chat with them for a little while (free food is always a good thing!).
The unfortunate thing that we have discovered about our apartment is that while I asked the representatives at the complex to make sure that our apartment didn't smell like smoke, I'm afraid that we got one that used to be smoked in anyway. We suspect that while they replaced all the flooring, they didn't clean the ductwork, so it's essentially being pumped in our apartment anyway. Argh.
Work will get busier as the days go on, as I've already been assigned cases, and even a section of the state where I will be going to court (close to 10 court days already).
The townhouse back at the beach still has not sold, and we've done a price reduction to see what that will do--we sure hate having to make double payments, but the Lord has been faithful in His provision, and will continue to do so.
My wife is truly loving the stay at home life, and we look forward to moving into a house sometime soon so that we can truly feel settled.
At 9:08 AM ,
Matt Gumm said...
So glad to hear things are going well.
Have you thought about an air purifier for the smoke problem?
At 9:31 PM ,
Dan B. said...
Things are going well...though we are earnestly praying that the townhouse at the Beach sells soon. Double payments stink.
As to the smoke problem, we actually had the property manager and an air purifier vendor in our apartment today to assess the problem. They've proposed a solution (at no cost to us) that should take care of the problem. It's an "ozone" type product. Hopefully it will work. Can you believe that at first today they sent a maintenance man, that SMOKES!!! to assess the problem?
At 3:07 PM ,
Matt Gumm said...
Actually, I can, but only because I doubt there are very many maintenance men who don't.
At 8:07 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Huzzah! I am so glad you are there. That is tremendous.
I found an article online about smoke houses and I think you will have to have the LL clean the ducts.
is the link.
I hope your old home sells and that you find *something* to eat besides hibachi. :+)
At 7:36 PM ,
Dan B. said...
Matt--your comments are certainly true, especially in Roanoke! It seems like 2 of 3 here in general smoke--this used to be a cash crop for the area, I think.
Kate--we're not really sure what the smell is, but now we're trying to get the cleaning smell out of the house (the odor to me is like a really stark chlorine smell). Hopefully it will dissapate soon.
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