
An attorney's reflections on life, law, theology, sports, and other random topics. Enjoy!

Monday, July 24, 2006

The Importance of Family

Well, it's the weekend, and after having survived my first day in court just a few days ago, my wife and I ventured to the hills (or should I say mountains?) of West Virginia. It's always very relaxing to come here, to get away from the business of life.

Today we went to a birthday party for an uncle of my wife, who is 80 years old today. Yes, you read that sentence right. She has an uncle, and he is 80 years old. Her grandfather was born in 1886. He's no longer with us, and she never really got to know him. My wife's family is an extraordinary thing. To contrast, I have five cousins, TOTAL. My wife has 65 first cousins, on her dad's side ALONE.

Now, I say all of this to make this point. Family is going to be only as important as you make it. On my side of the family, we're all spread out--from Oregon to Missouri to Georgia to Kentucky to North Carolina and Virginia. We rarely are able to get the whole family together! But my wife's side all lives fairly close, and so at each opportunity for a gathering, they are all together. They may not have much in the world's eyes, but family is paramount and they are rich in that.

It would behoove American society to look back to the strength of what a family brings, rather than trying to keep up with the Jones'--the bigger house, car, etc. I've never known a kid growing up who (if he or she is TRULY honest) if given the choice, would rather have more stuff than spend time with mom or dad.

Family is a microcosm of history--first-hand accounts of war, good and hard times. And I've heard that unless we learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it. Why not glean wisdom from our extended family and learn from others' past mistakes? It's amazing what happens when you listen.

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